itself the exclusive proprietor of DER KREIS, the review belongs equally to all subscribers alike.

One of the most interesting of the activities sponsored by DER KREIS is the series of "get-to-gethers" which are held several times a year in Zürich. To these gatherings homophiles from all Europe come for a long evening of fun and sport. Each festival is built around a theme and prizes are given for the best costume or the best act.

DER KREIS has also collected the best photographs printed during its life, and published them in two volumes of one-hundred each. A

third volume of drawings is planned for future publication.

Finally, in addition to all its other services, DER KREIS publishes each month for subscribers only a sort of "personals" column, which is much appreciated by those who make use of it.

This is a publication which can be highly recommended, for even the mono-lingual American reader will find much of value, while to anyone with any knowledge of French or German a subscription is a must. (Bound copies of recent issues are available at $7.00 a year). ANTON LORENZ


From time to time mention has been made in these pages of the International Committee for Sexual Equality. This organization was founded at the first International Congress for Sexual Equality, held in Amsterdam, Holland, in May,


A 2nd Congress was held at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, in September 1952, and addressed by distinguished scientists and public figures from various countries. In addition, the development of the Committee itself was carried further.

The 3rd Congress, September 1953, was again held in Amsterdam. The series of addresses given was published in several languages—in English as "Homosexuality and Mental Health" 88 pp. Statutes were adopted, setting forth as formal aims: "Furthering objective scientific studies of . . . homophily... exchange on an international basis of the results of these studies . . . furthering the legal and . . . social position of homophile man."


As means for realizing these aims, "international congresses or other meetings . . . a plurilingual information bulletin (German, French, English-sometimes Italian) . . . other periodical or non-periodical publications . . . addressing directly the appropriate persons or authorities," are all authorized for use. In addition, organizations and individuals throughout the world are invited to participate.

The Congresses are now scheduled for alternate years, the 4th to be held in Paris in November, with "Human Rights and the Origin of Morals," as the theme. The French publication ARCADIE will act as host organization. The alternate business session for 1954 was held in Copenhagen last October.

Delegates and participants from many European countries and the near East, England and the United States have attended the various sessions. An address given by Donald Webster Cory at the 2nd Congress was published in ONE, February
